At St.Luke’s, we believe that E-Safety is an essential part of any modern curriculum. With the exponential growth of the World Wide Web over the last decade and a half, the move towards easily uploading user content and the recent rapid rise in the popularity of Social Media has drastically changed the world in which we live. These tools have become integrated into our modern lives, whether it be keeping in touch with friends, sharing our special moments or as part of our leisure time.
Unfortunately, there have been a number of cases in recent years that highlight how the misuse of these tools can have a negative impact upon people’s lives – occasionally with tragic consequences. It is therefore essential that we equip our youngsters with the skills and knowledge to use these tools safely and responsibly.
As such, at St.Luke’s, E-Safety has a very high profile. We are currently completing the ‘360 degree safe’ e-safety review tool and are working towards accreditation through that scheme. Details of this review tool can be found by clicking on ‘360 Degree Safe’. We also have an E-Safety committee, consisting of teaching staff and members of the senior leadership team, to regularly review our E-Safety practices. In addition, an E-Safety curriculum is in place for each year group which enables the child to be taught age-related skills and knowledge for using technology safely. The school also participates in the annual international ‘Safer Internet Day,’ which this year will be held on the 6th February 2024. Details of this event can be found by clicking on ‘SID 2024.’
We also recognise the anxiety and concern that E-Safety can cause parents and carers. As such, in the Spring Term we will be providing an E-safety awareness workshop for parents. This will be an informal session with a presentation highlighting many of the key points within E-Safety and will also provide some useful tips on how you can be E-safety aware at home. Please keep an eye out for this date on the school newsletter or via this page.
In the meantime, if you have any immediate concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s class teacher or Mr Hardaker who will be able to offer help or advice. Alternatively, the following sites provide some excellent practical advice for parents:-
Please visit our parent information for online safety page:
Parent information online safety
Click here for the latest online safety updates related to Primary Education