Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mrs Eastham
Mrs Eastham Mrs Gaskell
is our is our
Class Teacher Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to our Year 5 class page.
Our Class Christian Value is Justice.
In Year 5
In Year 5 we will work on exciting projects that develop our skills in problem dolving and creativity. I am looking forward to a fabulous year of fun and challenge!
In Year 5, we currently have P.E. on a Thursday The children can come into school wearing their PE kit this day.
I would like you to try to read for at least 10 minutes each night. Please make a note of your reading in your planner; you could even add a comment about what you have read and enjoyed too. You can earn Dojos for this. You can also earn Dojos by accessing Prodigy and Spelling-Frame with your personal log-in.
We teach daily, whole class spelling sessions using the Spelling Shed programme; these are based around a particular spelling pattern. The children will have a list of words linked to this pattern to practise at home; Spelling Frame supports this. We will have a weekly quiz on Fridays.
I am really looking forward to this term; we should have lots of fun!
Mrs Eastham
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